The Effect of Hydropower in Wildlife

Concern for wildlife as an effect of hydropower With the increasing population of the world, demands for basic necessities like potable water and food also increase.

What Scientists Learned from Monkey's Respond to Drones

Research shows the response of monkeys to sound Studying the culture and behavior of animals are one of the things that can lead humans to fully understand what's each creature's role and significance in the environment.

Cow Dung May Help Fight Climate Change

What could provide relief in our problem on climate change? Cow dung may just be it. Did you know that there is three times more carbon present on the Earth's soil than that found in the atmosphere? Although this may be surprising, what is even more alarming is the fact that this type of carbon is released in the air by deforestation and poor farming methods.

Who Benefits From Global Warming?

Climate change has not only caused irreparable damage to the environment, but it has also widened the gap between the rich and the poor.

Tree Rings, Droughts and Climate Change

Tree rings no longer just speak of the years the tree has lived, they can also be used to tell how long climate change has been causing droughts.

World First Albino Panda Caught on Camera in China

Have you ever seen an albino panda? There’s one in China and it’s all too cute not to cuddle. CHINA -- The scientists of Wolong National Nature Reserve in Sichuan, China, leaked a photo of a giant panda, but it is all-white.

Climate Driving New Right Whale Movement

This research discovered that some of these deep waters have warmed nearly 9 degrees Fahrenheit since 2004, twice as much as the fastest warming waters at the surface

Forest Thinning is a Benefit for Threatened Beetles

Researchers evaluated how management has impacted wood-inhabiting beetles connected with oak trees In Southern Sweden, wood-living beetles that use oak trees are a species-rich and threatened animal group in modern forestry and agriculture.

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