Insect-deterring sorghum compounds may be eco-friendly pesticide

Compounds produced by sorghum plants to defend against insect feeding could be isolated, synthesized and used as a targeted, nontoxic insect deterrent, according to researchers who studied plant-insect interactions that included field, greenhouse and laboratory components.

Human history through tree rings: Trees in Amazonia reveal pre-colonial human disturbance

New study shows that tropical trees act as a living record of past human activity in the Amazon In a new paper published in PLOS ONE, an international team of scientists reports the combined use of dendrochronology and historical survey to investigate the effects of societal and demographic changes on forest disturbances and growth dynamics in a neotropical tree species, the Brazil nut tree.

How to Minimize the Misery of Allergy Season

Tips on making allergy season a little more bearable If you suffer from allergies, springtime, for you, may not be the most glorious and amazing time that others tend to experience.

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