Scientists were Able to Derive Biodegradable Polymers from Single-Celled Microorganisms

Who knows that feeding seaweed algae to microorganisms could make Earth-friendly polymers? (Photo : AP Archive)Screenshot from "Biodegradable plastic made from seaweed organisms" video by AP Archive According to a report from the United Nations in 2018, a total of 13 million tonnes of plastic gets washed into the ocean every year.

Largest Python Found in Florida with 73 Developing Eggs

A group of researchers has captured a female python, said to be the largest ever found in the Everglades' Big Cypress National Preserve, and sufficiently large to eat a deer. It is 17 foot long, weighing no less than 140 pounds and was carrying an amazing 73 developing eggs. This would make the creature longer than a single story building.

Svalbard’s Reindeer May Go Extinct Due To Climate Change

Continued warming may cause more population crashes and a higher risk of extinction Unlike the reindeer on Norway's Svalbard archipelago, Svalbard reindeer conserve their energy by moving as little as possible.

Using Fish Guts as a Plastic Alternative

A scientist discovers fish guts as an alternative to plastic Courtney Laprise, a Memorial University master's student, developed a plastic alternative using fish guts.

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