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05.05.2017 03:52 AM
Scientists have long debunked the movie portrayal of earthquakes that are capable of ripping the ground open. On the contrary, Caltech proved that it is very much possible to happen under certain conditions.
05.05.2017 03:41 AM
The DNA of the western spotted skunks may be attributed to the Ice Age climate change than geological barriers.
05.05.2017 03:02 AM
A long waiting for two centuries ends when five wolves are sighted recently in the agricultural region of the western Denmark.
05.05.2017 01:39 AM
The fossils of the last African Dinosaur which went extinct 66 million years ago has been found by a team of researchers in Morocco. The dinosaurs are linked to a new species found - Chenanisaurus barbaricus.
05.05.2017 01:05 AM
There have been numerous study as what are the contributors why people suffer from lung cancer, however, recent study showed that air pollution can greatly contribute to it.
05.05.2017 00:35 AM
"Love hormone" or oxytocin is the reason why clownfish are able to act like a father to all eggs, researchers said.
05.04.2017 19:27 PM
Paleontologists have confirmed that the Galeamopus Pabsti dinosaur species is the most recent sauropod ever discovered. It was first discovered in 1995.
05.04.2017 19:25 PM
A lost species of Monitor Lizard was found in Papua New Guinea. A lost monitor lizard was rediscovered on an island in Papua New Guinea by a zoologist from Finland.
05.04.2017 19:24 PM
A new branch was discovered from the Larsen C Ice Shelf in Antartica and it is now heading the direction of the ice front.
05.04.2017 19:23 PM
Antlantic walrus and eastern migratory caribou in the Canada's artic might face extinction soon, according to experts.
05.04.2017 19:15 PM
The changing injection rates of wastewater may be one of the reasons on the major earthquake event at Pawnee, Oklahoma.
05.04.2017 16:03 PM
Environmental and Alaska Native groups filed a lawsuit on Wednesday to keep the ban on offshore oil drilling in Arctic and Atlantic Waters.
05.04.2017 13:49 PM
A new research revealed the key cause behind the formation of the world’s biggest volcanoes in Hawaii.
05.04.2017 13:28 PM
Scientists find radioactive waste in some lakes, ponds, and marshes where the migratory fowl usually stopped by in their annual migration.
05.04.2017 05:47 AM
The team from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center will launch an airborne mission to measure the greenhouse gasses over the Mid-Atlantic region in May.
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