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05.04.2017 05:36 AM
A protection group is able to rescue an albino orangutan from captivity in a village in the Indonesian part of Borneo island.
05.04.2017 05:30 AM
A new research study unveils that deep coral reefs play a significant role in providing a safe habitat for the shallow reef fishes.
05.04.2017 04:31 AM
Scientists believe that the Asian clam was brought to the North America by immigrants. The problem is that they are now among the invasive species that threatens the Great Lakes.
05.03.2017 18:40 PM
The Wildlife Conservation Society has observed that corals are now adapting to the warm ocean waters.
05.03.2017 13:51 PM
A new discovery explores 7600 years old ice in the Juvfonne ice field that is regarded as the oldest ice of Norway.
05.03.2017 11:01 AM
Expert research shows that the triggerfish is a mid-level predator important in coastal ecosystems. Can we see predators in diverse tropical ecosystems, making an influential impact on species merely two links away? Ecologists such as Brown University Professor Jon Witman and his team find that there can be indeed such a significant "trophic cascade" when triggerfish are involved.
05.03.2017 10:56 AM
The coast uplift in New Zealand's south Island shows that due to the recent earthquake, some results have been positive.
05.03.2017 10:42 AM
Experts warn that UK's rarest plants are threatened due to mismanagement and their confinement to the edges of roads.
05.03.2017 07:22 AM
Researchers conducted an annual survey found the growth of underwater grasses in the Chesapeake Bay increased by 8 percent between 2015 and 2016.
05.03.2017 07:19 AM
Archaeologists in China uncovered an ancient tomb in Shanxi province, northwest of China. The tomb was preserved after looted badly four years ago.
05.03.2017 05:18 AM
Africa is on a mission to save its greatest symbol as Rwanda stages an extraordinary homecoming for endangered black rhinos.
05.03.2017 03:28 AM
The far-flung environmental areas of Britain are at risk because of Brexit distraction and budget cuts
05.03.2017 03:17 AM
A cleanup project at last successfully prevents the toxic mine pollution to produce clean water in the mesmerizing Lake Chelan.
05.03.2017 03:12 AM
Scientists from the University of New Hampshire discovered five new truffle species. Scientists from the University of New Hampshire have discovered five new truffles.
05.03.2017 03:11 AM
A research argues that there is a near-infinite availability of mineral resources. This finding allays fears that mining might exhaust them out in the next 50 years.
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