ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe blue blubber jellyfish that washed up in Queensland, Australia looked a like a sea of bubble wrap. While the sight of jellyfish washing up on the back is common, marine biologists have commented that they are never this many.
Leaving Atlantis in the mythology while discovering the newly found ancient continental crust underneath the deep waters of Indian Ocean. The real existence of the ancient crust is supported by a lot of evidences.
The most active volcano in Hawaii, Kilauea, has been spewing a "firehose" of lava into the Pacific Ocean since December 31 after a massive chunk of the cliff collapsed into the sea.
Researchers have discovered evidence of the earliest ancestor of all vertebrates, including humans. The Saccorhytus coronarius lived 540 million years ago and had a big mouth but no anus.
Australia government have decided to use nets to protect people from shark attacks. But campaigners of shark want to stop it as it kills not only shark but also other creatures.
Last Friday, scientists uncovered a 122-foot long dinosaur. It is so big that even the American Museum of Natural History in New York, home of the biggest blue whale model, may need some extensions.
There might be a possibility that a mysterious landscape of layered bands of rocks are hidden beneath the ice sheets of the Antarctic. This could reportedly be the world's largest, extending up to over a thousand kilometre long and 1 km deep.
A mummified corpse known as the Iceman, otherwise Oetzi, is giving researchers an insight on stomach infection as well as its possible migration route.
A nicotine-imitating pesticide used in various crops was found to be harmful to honeybees. A widely used pesticide mostly applied to citrus and cotton plants is found to be capable of hurting honeybees.
The British government mandated to create a marine reserve area in the waters of Ascencion Island. The British government announced to mark a marine reserve in the Atlantic.