Phytoplankton Bloom Puts Color In The Ocean

NASA took a picture of a phytoplankton bloom that put colors all over the North Atlantic Ocean. The North Atlantic Ocean has transformed into a mass of colorful space that looks like a Vincent Van Gogh piece.

France's Take On Climate Change

In a span of 13 days, over 190 national leaders joined together in a discussion about the possible solutions for one of the world's biggest problems that is the climate change.

Emerald Ash Borers Invades New Jersey

Ash trees in New Jersey are now in danger after an intrusive species invaded the area. Norfolk County's ash trees are now in danger. The emerald ash borer has started infecting the area and is doing it fast.

India’s Stance On Climate Change Criticized

India is getting some unwanted attention due to its stand on the issue of climate change. India is the second largest country in Southeast Asia and the second most populated in the world with over 1.

Canada Warming Twice Than Most Parts Of The World

Canada has warmed more rapidly than most parts of the planet. Climate change has brought a drastic effect in the world. Scientists say that Canada has warmed more rapidly than most parts of the planet.

Blue Green Algae: An Alternative Power Source

Researchers found a new technology that can tackle electrical energy problem through blue green algae, which can transfer by electron chains during photosynthesis and respiration.

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