College Students Use Marijuana Over Tobacco -- Research

College students now prefer to use Marijuana than smoke tobacco. A new wave of trend has been making rounds on the college students. For the first time in more than three decades, marijuana, or what they call "weed" has stumped tobacco on terms of the number of people who use.

Rare Fin Whale Spotted In North Puget Sound

An endangered species dubbed as Fin Whale -the second-biggest whale in the world was recently seen 5km south Minor Island, near Whidbey Island of Washington State.

Earth: Home to More than Three Trillion Trees

A group of scientists has found that there is an estimated 3 trillion trees in the world when compared with the start of human civilization, the number has tumbled down to roughly 46%.

Wal-Mart Starts the Christmas Season

Wal-Mart is giving you a headstart for the Holiday Season. The world's largest retailer Wal-Mart opens up the Christmas season by launching its Holiday Lay Away plan four months before Christmas.

NYC Cab-Hailing App to Compete with Uber

The innovative new app that dare compete with Uber will be launched in a few weeks. For some time now, Uber had dominated the market for car transportation services in New York City.

50 Migrants Dead: A Migrants Crisis in Europe

50 migrants dead in a truck, a reflection of a bigger issue EU's migant crisis. 50 people found dead on the back of a food delivery truck along the border of Austria Thursday morning.

The Hype with the Minnesota State Fair

The Great Minnesota Get-Together opens to public today. The Minnesota State Fair was opened on August 27, 2015 at 6 am. The fair started off with a good weather and is expected to be through the weekend.

Los Angeles, California's Bid for 2024 Olympics

LA2024's $4.1 billion budget was set to bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics. Los Angeles City Council's decision to bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics has been put on hold until Friday .

Amelia Boynton, a Legacy, Dies at 104

Amelia Boynton Robinson dies at 104, but her legacy goes on. Civil rights activist for racial equality and social and survivor of the Bloody Sunday in March 1965, Amelia Boynton Robinson, dies on early Wednesday morning due to natural causes.

Pollution in China

The increasing death incidence of China due to air pollution is wearisome; thus, immediate solution should be given a priority.

Coca-Cola's Water Replenishment Goal

The Coca-Cola company announced last 2007 that they will replenish the water they used equivalent to their total sales volume by 2020.

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