Ohio's Fight For Cannabis Legalization Continues

Toledo, Ohio voted yes on the decriminalization of marijuana Toledo City, Ohio has won the approval of the ballot measure, but the fight has only started for the state on the legalization of Cannabis or Marijuana on both medical and recreational use.

Delhi's Dengue Outbreak, 1800 Now Affected

This is said to be the worst outbrreak in 5 years. New Delhi, India, is now facing the worst Dengue Outbreak it had in five years. There is a total number of 1800 cases and the death toll is still rising.

College Scoreboard To Help Incoming Students Launched By Obama

Obama launched the "College Scorecard" last Friday. The Obama Administration launched a new website to help students gauge the colleges and universities to pick to aid them in their pursuit of career without financial compromises.

Vatican Opens Pope's Summer Palace To Public

The summer palace Gandolfo Castel which has been the Pope's home to get away from the hot roman summers from the main city state of the Vatican is now open to public.

Neolithic Monument Discovered Near the Stonehenge

A new discovery could be the answer to one of the world's mystery. What mystery could still be added to the Stonehenge? It is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England and was described as a ring of standing stones within earthworks.

A Closer Look On Climate Change "Wild Card"

The Climate Change and Global Warming have been happening progressively over the years. The Climate Change and Global Warming have been happening progressively over the years.

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