Ancient Croc Ruled North America Before Dinosaurs

Scientists have unearthed fossils in North Carolina of a large land-dwelling crocodile that lived about 231 million years ago, walked on its hind legs and was the top land predator before dinosaurs even appeared.

Is Global Warming to Blame for Vanuatu Cyclone?

The article is about Global Warming The term global warming is basically used to portray the change in Earth's Temperature which is believed to change the Earth's climatic conditions forever.

Al Gore Seeks to Punish Climate Change Deniers

Al Gore has toughened his climate change rhetoric saying that there is a need to "punish climate-change deniers" and that politicians should pay a price for rejecting "accepted science."

How a Beaked Whale Fossil May Reveal Origins of Humanities First Steps

In a study published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers with the University of Potsdam in Germany say that they may have found the origin of man’s first steps on land with the rediscovery of a 17 million year old fossil of a beaked whale once native to East Africa. The fossil, which was original unearthed in 1964, but lost for nearly half a century after the skull was misplaced, is the oldest known fossil of a beaked whale and strongly suggests an exact time for when the East African plateau was once turned into a savannah.

Research Provides Al Gore With a Climate Change Platform for Election

For years now former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore has been the the man professing the end of the world as we know it. In fact, while his predictions and commentary on the matter of global climate change may have sent scientists and the rest of the American public into a frenzy, they also happened to win him an Academy Award for his film “An Inconvenient Truth”. But with a changing industry and a change in the global conversation, Gore’s recent tone has been a lot more hopeful than it once was. And with news this weekend of an even greater shift towards green energy, with a discovery made by researchers at Brown University, some are hopeful that Gore will once again reclaim an office in the White House with election campaigns starting right around the corner.

After Hopeful Solar Power News, Al Gore May Just Find Another Place in Office

For years now former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore has been the the man professing the end of the world as we know it. In fact, while his predictions and commentary on the matter of global climate change may have sent scientists and the rest of the American public into a frenzy, they also happened to win him an Academy Award for his film “An Inconvenient Truth”. But with a changing industry and a change in the global conversation, Gore’s recent tone has been a lot more hopeful than it once was. And with news this weekend of an even greater shift towards green energy, with a discovery made by researchers at Brown University, some are hopeful that Gore will once again reclaim an office in the White House with election campaigns starting right around the corner.

Champion Foodies—Chimpanzees Will Make the Trek for a Delicious Meal

Though researchers have come to understand that in comparison to the human palette, chimpanzees may not be as refined, it appears that these clever relatives are foodies at heart. In fact, when it comes to a meal of grapes over veggies, chimpanzees will even go out of their way for the chance to dine on something sweeter than the norm. In a new study published this week in the journal PeerJ researchers at Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo investigated the food preferences of chimpanzees in captivity only to find that the animals are clever enough to find a way of getting the goodies they prefer.

Neanderthals Were More Civlized Than First Thought, New Study Says

A recent study: Neanderthals are much more intelligent than we think Eight pieces of 150,000-year-old ancient claws and an unknown foot bone that were found by scientists 100 years ago at Krapina Neanderthal site in Croatia are now thought by researchers from the University of Kansas to have once been used as Neanderthal body ornaments.

China Seeks Cleaner Air Without an Environmental Movement

China's latest stance on the environment can be called contradictory even for them. A powerful documentary on air pollution, produced with official support, went viral after it was released online only to be blocked and wiped clean on the Chinese Internet by the government days later. Then, President Xi Jinping vowed to punish "violators" who damage the environment "with an iron hand" and Premier Li Keqiang calling pollution "a blight on people's quality of life" and promising significant cuts in emissions.

Project Aimed at Restoring the Everglades Far Behind Schedule

The Everglades have taken a beating over the years. So much so that 15 years ago the state of Florida in partnership with federal officials from Washington issued a statement declaring their partnership in the goal of re-establishing the Everglades by 2030.

Conservation Efforts Bring Florida Manatees to Record Numbers

It seems that efforts to restore the manatee population is beginning to pay off as a record number of manatees have been tallied in Florida's annual survey of endangered marine mammals, state wildlife officials said on Monday.

New Aquifers Found in Arctic Region

Overview of Aquifers and news about the new aquifer found in Holtedahlfonna glacier. A recent study has found that isolated glaciers can store liquid water in their upper layers throughout the year.

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