ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe Pinzon giant tortoises in the Galapagos Islands are breeding again. For the first time in a century, scientists have found baby giant tortoises that have been born in the wild.
While much of the northeastern and central United States froze to death this snowy winter, the cold chill didn't extend to the north as scientists have discovered that the winter ice levels are at record lows.
In the midst of unimaginable destruction, meteorologists say that a cyclone, designated “Cyclone Pam”, will continue to devastate islands in the South Pacific even after the storm brought torrential rains and fierce winds hour after hour since the start of the weekend.
When did humans rise to become the dominant species on the planet? It might not be as long ago as you might think. Scientists now believe that humans didn't truly rise to become the dominant species on the planet with the ability to drastically impact the planet until 1610.
A new study from Denmark has found that fluctuations in the orbit of the Earth has been causing periods of dramatic, short-term global warming for at least 1.4 billion years. These fluctuations, known as Milankovitch cycles, are even responsible for some long-term global warming of today’s climate.
A new telescope is about to be built that would help scientists to be able to see somewhere around 13 billion light years away into the universe and probably in its early years. But the construction of that telescope has been delayed due to snowfall.
Amy, the 6 months old, is the smartest student in her dog obedience class. Amy, the 6 months old, is the smartest student in her dog obedience class. By only a limited times of instructions, she learns anything novel.
Though the Catalina fox species may be the smallest species of fox in the world, it appears that size may not have anything to do with their survival. And while the animal may have been endangered decades ago, locals and visitors to the island of Santa Catalina are realized that their abundant numbers may be a sign of drastic change.
The depletion of ozone layer is a phenomenon that threatens the very existence of this beautiful world and poses a great danger to future generations if concrete steps are not taken to keep it in hold.
The animal sponges (not your regular kitchen sponge) emerged after a key split between the sponges and other animals (the Eumetazoans). This will help us study about the genetic revolution of all the animals living today.
In a new study published this week in journal Nature Communications, researchers with the University of Geneva in Switzerland revealed that crystals beneath the skin of chameleons are responsible for the species’ amazing ability to adapt its pigmentation to its surroundings. But many are left wondering—what exactly are “Iridophores” and how can chameleons use them to camouflage?
About 7 thousands years ago and predating the Egyptians by several thousands of years lived a tribe of people off the coast of Chile and southern Peru lived a tribe of people known today as "the Chinchorro". Like the ancient Egyptians, the Chinchorro used to mummify its dead, creating the oldest known mummies on Earth. But today, these mummies are now threatened by climate change.
Ever wonder exactly how chameleons are able to change their spots and camouflage themselves under the bright forest canopy? Well you’re not likely to guess the intriguing method involved. It turns out that while the chameleons are docile and soft, for the most part, this interesting species has a lot more in common with diamonds than anyone ever thought.