ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEResearchers confirm an 8.5-year Inner Core Wobble, revealing a fixed 0.17-degree tilt and influencing geophysical phenomena. Continue reading for more information.
A small waterfall deep within a park in New York is home to one of the most unique, mysterious “eternal flames” in the world. Find out more about it in this article.
A megalodon tooth discovered 3,000 meters deep in the Pacific, offers a unique glimpse into the mysterious life of this ancient predator. Continue reading for more details.
The human skin leather findings serve as the first evidence of the claims made by ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who wrote about Scynthians back in 430 B.C. Read to learn more.
The rock carvings could have been used by the Ancestral Pueblo people as a calendar for commemorating certain occassions and making astornomical observations. Read to learn more.
Deep on the floor of the Mediterranean Sea are three species from phylum Loricifera which can survive and reproduce entirely without oxygen. Read the article to find out more.
Researchers reveal that the effects of wildfires are not limited on land, but are also observed in aquatic ecosystems. Read the article to find out more.