ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATESingaporeans bid farewell to a two-year-old panda cub as authorities prepared to send him to China. Learn more about it in this article.
Jerusalem archaeologists find 2,200-year-old ceramic tiles, linking directly to Hanukkah history, during an excavation in at City of David National Park. Read the article to learn more details.
Every year, a natural phenomenon is observed in the Mekong River in Thailand where glowing blobs called Naga fireballs are allegedly shot. Learn more about this event in this article.
Campaigners are fighting against the government's plan to pursue the road tunnel project near the prehistoric monument that could delist it from the UNESCO World Heritage sites. Continue reading to learn more.
Some animal species share a mutually beneficial relationship with each other. Read to learn more. There are certain animals that work together in a symbiotic relationship that mutually benefits them.
Due to factors like soil degradation and climate change, traditional farming methods are increasingly coming into question, and projections that the global population will reach 10 billion in the near future have led to a call for innovative solutions in agriculture. Thankfully, human ingenuity is addressing these agricultural challenges, with the latest breakthrough innovation being vertical farming.
From exacerbating disease epidemics to reshaping mental health aspects and disrupting health infrastructure, the impacts of climate change are multifaceted. Given this context, the resilience of health systems, especially in low and middle-income countries (LMICs), faces unprecedented challenges as climate change casts an ominous shadow over global health. Frontline health workers stand at the heart of this landscape. The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF), a Swiss non-profit dedicated to pioneering change strategies, has made it its mission to empower these unsung heroes by amplifying their voices.
The intricate mosaic in the luxurious Roman home contained pieces of precious glass, white marble flakes, different shells, various stones, and Egyptian blue tesserae. Read to learn more.