ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe world's eighth lava lake was confirmed when scientists, mountaineers, and filmmakers all went on an expedition to the summit of Mount Michael in Saunders Island. Read to learn more.
Scientists discovered that the Earth’s stratosphere has become polluted due to the debris left by rocket and satellite launches. Read the article to find out more.
Scientists have confirmed the first recorded case of highly pathogenic avian influenza in brown skua birds in Antarctica. Learn more about it in this article.
Geoscientists believed that the lost continent, Argoland, which they suspected to have broken off from northwestern Australia, is still present but no longer whole. Continue reading to learn more.
Hawaii's cockroaches offer insights into how insects adapt to give live birth by suppressing their immune systems. Check out how this knowledge could potentially lead to medical advances.
Dinosaurs used to dominate the land for around 245 million years. Read to learn more. While dinosaurs no longer exist today, these massive creatures used to dominate the land over a hundred million years ago.
A comprehensive research attempts to predict the collapse of West Antarctica's ice shelves, with ominous implications for rising sea levels. Read the article for more details.