MEDICINE & HEALTHA recent study reveals that brains actively process silence, shedding light on why they perceive pauses differently. Read the article to learn more.
There have been reports of fake drugs with the T259 imprint being sold in the public, causing medical emergencies and death. Find out how to spot real from fake ones in this article.
Experts have developed a new approach in encouraging cells to communicate with each other by using light-activated molecular machines, providing key in controlling cellular activity.
Everyone experiences anxiety at some point. For some, emotions like this can be debilitating. Counseling helps to improve mental well-being. It gives people an understanding of their feelings and provides tools to manage them.
Some people have fleeting moments where they experience mental health symptoms. Others, though, struggle for years to cope with depression and other mental health concerns. Fortunately, counseling helps to address the causes of mental health problems and aid with recovery.
With the trend in periodontal disease on the rise, a new wave of innovation in dental medicine has been spurred. Root biomodification technology, an advanced approach to traditional root planing and scaling procedures, has emerged as a promising avenue to combat this prevalent issue.
In the vast expanse of the South Pacific lies a tropical paradise known as the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). This remote and serene archipelago, with its azure waters and vibrant culture, may seem worlds away from the bustling streets of San Francisco. Yet, it was here that Dr. Peter Brett, a seasoned oncologist, found a new purpose and embarked on a mission to bring hope to a community in need.
3D printing was used to reconstruct a man's face with a three-pound tumor for the team to create custom components like plates, guides, and screws for the surgery. Read to learn more.