Bad habits could have harmful effects on one's life. For one, it can increase your risk of developing both poor emotional and physical health. Also, it may lead to stressful situations that interrupt one's normal daily life and delay or prevent you from attaining your life goals.
Organic chemists synthesized a medicinal molecule from a sea sponge to make a more efficient but less expensive drug for Parkinson's disease and similar disorders. Read the article to find out more.
A clinical trial of spinal cord stimulation has shown promise in restoring hand movement after stroke. Read on to learn more about this breakthrough study.
The 53-year-old Düsseldorf patient had a stem cell transplant a decade ago and has not taken HIV medications for four years. Tap the article to learn more details about this case.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing every industry, including medicine, especially in cancer detection and treatment. Read the article to know how clinics plan to use them.
Former President Jimmy Carter is under hospice care at 96 years old. Learn about his incredible life of service and accomplishments in this article. Read more.
A prostate cancer patient in US started speaking Hiberno-English, which is a case of foreign accent syndrome, after 20 months of getting treatment. Read to know more.
Phobias are uncontrollable and irrational fears about things even those common objects found in daily life. Read the article to know some of these bizarre phobias.
Death's legal and scientific definition is still a cause of debate since there are cases even now that are wrongfully declared dead. So, when should be a person considered clinically dead? Find out in this article.