MEDICINE & HEALTHResearchers developed human bone marrow "organoids." How great is its potential in the advancement of cancer treatments? Read to find out.
The WHO encourages African citizens and neighboring countries to be vaccinated against yellow fever that is having an outbreak in the region. Read on to know more about this virus!
Researchers discover the involvement of three genes and their proteins in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Read to know more about these findings.
Pilates is one of the easiest exercise methods you can do at home. Given its numerous simple workout routines, it sure is a physical activity anyone can try and enjoy anytime.
A research team from Yale come up with technology to asses brain activity associated with real-time eye contact among those with autism. Read to know more about their study.
A new study used rats to see how they would behave when given a choice between alcohol and social interaction to mimic real-world scenarios of substance use disorders. Read the article to learn more.
Todd Kashdan, a psychologist, is sure that seeing new locales is excellent for the human psyche. Travelers leave their comfort zones behind, learn new things, and have a greater capacity for personal development.
Know the relation between hydration and aging based on the recent study! A study published by the National Institutes of Health in the journal eBioMedicine found that adults who stay hydrated tend to be in better health, have fewer chronic illnesses like heart and lung disease, and live longer than those who do not consume enough fluids.