MEDICINE & HEALTHA new study has identified the part of the brain involved in fluid intelligence. Read on to know which part of the brain is critical in active thinking.
How do long haul flights impac tthe body? Read to find out. Flights that do not stop for more than 12 hours are dubbed long haul flights. Science Alert notes that those who are already flying long haul may have even longer options in the coming years.
Read on to know more about sleep shifting and how to become an early bird from a night owl. Being a night owl can be tough due to societal expectations and negative attitudes toward those who prefer to sleep later in the morning.
A new study suggests that there are similar qualities between human and Neanderthal brains that link to Peter Pan syndrome. Read on to know more about this news!
An animal tranquilizer, called xylazine, is spreading across the US, inflicting wounds so severely that some require amputation, worsening drug addiction, and perplexing law enforcement. Read the article to learn more details.
A new study shows that smoking could cause a higher chance of memory loss, disorientation, and cognitive decline in middle age people. Read the article to learn more.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declares the Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 as the most transmissible COVID-19 variant after accounting for 41% of the cases in the country. Read the article to learn more.
Researchers found that young adults playing video games at least 11 hours per week tend to have improved executive functioning. Read the article to learn more about it.
The Technical Advisory Group on Virus Evolution (TAG-VE) had a meeting last January 3 to discuss China's COVID-19 situation. Here's what was brought up during that meeting.