MEDICINE & HEALTHVagina chip technology developed by Harvard will indicate possible hazard of infection in women's health. Know more about this news here. Read now!
Diarrheal diseases, like cholera and cancer, can now be detected using a sensor that records sounds and AI technology to potentially diagnose these diseases. Read the article to learn more.
Celine Dion is forced to postpone her European tour after being diagnosed with the stiff-person syndrome, which causes muscle stiffness and spasms. Read the article to learn more about this rare neurological condition.
While cigarette smoking has already been linked to health complications, a recent study shows that the activity increases the risk of developing 56 various illnesses. Read to know more about the effects of smoking.
Researchers discover how swelling in neural axons is linked to the severity of Alzheimer's disease. Read to know more about these findings and their impact on what is known about Alzheimer's.
The "heart attack on a chip" is a microscale model that was developed by scientists at the University of Southern California (USC). The model is capable of replicating key aspects of myocardial infarction. Know more about this innovation here. Read now!
A recent study claims that the closest bat viral relatives of the human Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus successfully connect to bat ACE2 receptors as an entrance point into these cells. Read on to know more!
Read on to know how you may literally die from Broken Heart Syndrome. Although stories of heartbreak and love songs may come to mind, going through a traumatic incident can negatively affect the heart.
The new nano-based technology delivers osteoporosis treatment to targeted areas in the body while avoiding harmful side effects. Check it out in this article to learn more.
Polish researchers discovered the possibility of developing novel cancer treatments from bioactive substances present in plants of the genus Solanum, such as potatoes and aubergines. Know more about this study here, read now!
Flu and respiratory syncytial virus cases are increasing at the same time COVID-19 is picking up., straining the country's healthcare. Read the article about how face masks could help people stay healthy this holiday season.
Maggots were discovered in a man's ear after he went to a hospital in Portugal suffering from discomfort, itching, and bleeding. Know more about this news here, read now!