NANOTECHNOLOGYA novel kind of nanoparticle that can support identifying an ectopic pregnancy was developed by scientists from Oregon Health and Science University. Know more about this developing news here, read now!
A novel research claims that the arthritis painkillers can cause worse scenarios to the patients with the disease. Know more about this developing news here!
A new study found that COVID-19 is linked to serious long-term complications even months after recovery from the infection. Check out how the deadly virus changed the brain in some patients.
A new study suggests that intestinal stem cell restoration can support as novel therapy for cerebrovascular stroke patients. Know more about this news here.
A pioneering study on misokinesia, or the hatred of movements, reveals an effect on patients with misophonia. Know more about the relation of the two psychological diagnosis here. Read now!
A mysterious video caught in China shows a weird flock of sheep rounding in circles for almost 2 weeks. Know the mystery behind this video. Read here to know more!
Pediatric respiratory viruses are on the rise, especially the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Medical professionals are concerned about the shortages of hospital staff and beds. Find out how to improve immunity to avoid these diseases during this season.
Results of a clinical trial showed that the vaccine could prolong the life of cancer patients diagnosed with even the most aggressive glioblastoma. Check out this article to learn more details.
Read on to know how to prevent the risk of having the Hendra Virus worldwide., An increasing number of instances of a developing zoonotic illness in Australia are correlated with stressed, hungry bat populations, according to new study.
Biologists from Cambridge University develop an artificial enzyme that is programmed to fight COVID-19 virus. Learn more about this news here. Read now!
The United Nations celebrated the "Day of 8 Billion" as the world's population reaches 8 billion based on Worldometer's data. Learn its significance to the global community in this article.
In a viral TikTok video, one user said that he had a rare black bone disease where all his bones are stained with black color. Know more about this rare disease here, read now!