NANOTECHNOLOGYThe novel electrochemical biosensor is based on hierarchical Au nanoarrays and grown on the MXene membranes to improve cancer detection at its early stage. Read on to find out more.
A new study reveals that children who commute to school by bike or walk will likely do it until they get older. To know more about it, continue reading.
Chinese regulators have already approved the use of a vaccine mist as a COVID-19 booster dose. How effective is this needle-free vaccine? Read to find out.Needle-Free COVID-19 Vaccine: First-Ever Alternative to Injectable Approved for Use in China
Stanford researchers built the most complex, and well-defined synthetic microbiome to help scientists better understand the link between microbiome and health. Read the article to know more details.
A study reveals how the brains of people playing online games together are synchronized even without being physically together. Read to know more about it.
Three studies show how obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep disorder strengthens the likelihood of developing cancer and other health conditions. Read to know more.
Read here how wearing contact lenses can be prone to a viral infection that may lead to blindness. In Nebraska, a young boy recently died because of a brain-eating amoeba, and now Tiffany Zeleny said that she has the same type of bacteria inside her eye.
Researchers compared different lung volume reduction procedures for people suffering from emphysema. Read to find out which of the two is more effective.
A recent study from Stanford University found a new way to distinguish the antigen that can help strengthen one's immune response. Read more to know how this new study can help in developing more effective cancer immunotherapy.
A photo of a 92-year-old woman on Twitter opens awareness to users on the importance of using an SPF from face down to the neck. Continue reading to know more about it.
A combination of stem cell and gene therapy is safe for humans and produces a protein that will protect motor neurons for those with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, according to the first trial. Read the article to learn more.
Researchers may have found a strategy that will end the pandemic through the nanoparticle, which could be the key to a universal coronavirus vaccine. Read the article to know more.
A father of four thought his Apple Watch was not working fine after it alerted him about his extremely low heart rate and it turned out he had heart blockage. Read on to learn how the Apple Watch detected his heart problem.
A 4-year-old penguin received orthopedic shoes that enabled it to walk, play, and run around the zoo again along with other penguins. Continue reading to know the full story.