TECH & INNOVATIONUS Army veteran Richard Neider has been wheelchair-bound for almost a decade until he was given another chance to walk again using a battery-powered exoskeleton. Check out this motorized machine that could help paralyzed individuals move again.
A woman who was in a coma for days got doctors scratching their heads over her mysterious illness. Read on to know more about sepsis and what caused her infection.
Genomics helped researchers find the network of proteins that restores hearing in zebrafish, which may help in developing treatments for hearing loss in humans. read the article to learn more.
Researchers explained crying babies are calmed and tend to sleep by a five-minute walk or hold, even in the daytime when the infants are usually awake. Read to know more.
Researchers from Boston University said that noninvasive brain stimulation has the potential to be used as a drug-free treatment to reverse or prevent memory loss in aging people. Read the article to learn more.
A new study supports that reducing salt content in everyday life can reduce the potential risk of cardiovascular conditions. Continue reading to know the details.
Starting in 2023, Americans can buy purple tomato seeds to plant after 14 years of seeking approval from US regulators. Read on to know the health benefits offered by the first example of the genetically modified organism.
A 4-month-old baby has been flourishing and has reached all developmental milestones after a successful heart transplant using living tissue. Read to know more.
The new findings are based on human and laboratory research on mutations seen in half of the people with lung cancer who have never smoked. Read to know more.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) confirms 11 human cases of West Nile virus, along with 5 birds and 38 mosquito samples so far this year. Read the article to know more.
A new study revealed that drug factory implants were able to wipe out the tumors in more than half of the animals tested. Read on to know more about it.