MEDICINE & HEALTHNew research showed that electronic cigarette liquids sold in Australia contain toxic chemical substances known to damage airways and lungs when inhaled.
A new preprint study recently found that children are not at risk for more severe COVID-19 disease with Delta than earlier severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2 strains.
Common cold season is coming as colder months are leaving many with symptoms similar to COVID-19. However, scientists warn people not to confuse cold symptoms with COVID-19.
A recently published study showed an increase in the number of deaths among those suffering from mental illness as a COVID-19 effect, whether these people have had the virus or not.
Border collie Dave has fooled everyone that he can see despite having underdeveloped retinas. A veterinarian has declared the blind dog a medical mystery because of his unique skill at obstacle courses that other blind dogs cannot do.
Engineers at the University of Arizona recently developed a unique kind of wearable which they now call a "biosymbiotic device" featuring many exceptional benefits.
Researchers from Boston University's Slone Epidemiology Center developed a new breast cancer risk prediction tool for Black women to guide screening recommendations for earlier diagnosis and reduce mortality.
Applying sterilized maggots to eat dead tissues was a common practice during the first half of the 20th century to treat wounds, but it faded with the use of antibiotics during the 1940s.
Intermittent fasting is currently one of the world's most popular fitness trends that people use to lose weight and improve their health. Here's how to make IF a more realistic, sustainable, and effective approach for weight loss.
Coronavirus samples from a Chinese miner were transported to Wuhan researchers for analysis, where they may have escaped into the public and became a pandemic.
UNICEF announced it is currently in partnership and working with the Democratic Health Republic of Congo authorities following a report of an occurrence of a new case of Ebola virus in the northern part of the country.
Research has found that the depth of wrinkles caused by aging could be determined by the type of pillow one is sleeping on. Using a copper pillow can help improve the skin's appearance.
The Montana Department of Livestock announced that an epidemiological investigation is underway to control the spread of bovine tuberculosis, a disease contagious to wildlife and humans.