MEDICINE & HEALTHThe Delta Variant was recognized as the COVID-19 variant of concern in May this year and it has been proven difficult to control in unvaccinated populations.
A new study recently suggested that "smart gadgets" such as Apple watches and Fitbits, among others can be used to spot if a person has viral infection days before they become infectious.
A new study conducetd by MIT suggests that counting circulating tumor cells could be the best way to identify how metastasis spreads in various organs.
World Heart Day is celebrated on September 29 every year as an effort to raise awareness on heart health, particularly preventing cardiovascular diseases.
New research recently showed that humans can live to up to more than a century, and possibly way longer although chances of reaching such quite an old age is a bit small.
Authorities from the United States recently warned Americans to not purchase prescription pills online as they are increasingly contributing to fatal doses of methamphetamine and fentanyl.
A man from Lake County, Illinois has reportedly died due to rabies after being bitten by a bat. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) said that this is the first human case of rabies in the state since 1954.
The Kidney Project's first bioartifical kidney protoype reccently received the Artifical Kidney Award from HHS and the American Society of Nephrology's KidneyX.
A new UC San Francisco study showed the association between depression during early adulthood may lead to cognitive decline in old age, suggesting that happiness could prevent dementia.
Scientists have recently developed a pioneering lab-grown, genetically engineered that tastes and smells like real coffee. The product is expected to hit the market in four years' time.
This year, several Salmonella outbreaks were reported, infecting hundreds of people and sending some to the hospitals. But what caused these outbreaks and can it kill people or leave permanent damage?
Swallowing a button battery, for the past two decades now, is a dangerous and at times, deadly accident and has, in fact, turned substantially more common in children. However, it can be treated effectively by one kitchen ingredient.