MEDICINE & HEALTHHumanized 'mini-brains' were recently developed to provide neurology experts an exact replica of the brains of Parkinson's disease and dementia patients.
TU Dresden and the Unversity of California expert Adele Doyle are going through a comprehensive research on stem cells' reaction, including mechanosignaling, towards neurological and cardiovasculat development of an organism.
Researchers recently suggested that either making or breaking eye contact while a person is conversing with another individual is making the conversation more engaging.
Asparagus is one of the most effective foods against gastrointestinal tract infections. These and other fiber-rich foods are found to have helped improve the condition.
Researchers from JOhns Hopkins Medicine analyzed the mystifying membrane-less viscous droplets in cells to understand its inner workings and how cells compartamentalize.
Researchers from the University of Minnesota developed a novel virus-like nanoparticle vaccine that has been tested on animals, offering a new approach in a human vaccine against COVID-19 and its variants.
A new study reveals that CURCUGREEN® (BCM-95®) turmeric extract, created by Arjuna Natural Pvt, Ltd., could help reduce the damage that Alzheimer's disease could cause on organs aside from the brain.
New research has just proven the efficacy of face masks as a protection against COVID-19. However, according to the researchers, the surgical mask is guaranteed effective while the cloth-made falls short.
A new study recently showed a potential treatment for skin cancer in frog foam. It may also serve as a substitute for the existing treatments currently being prescribed by doctors.