CHEMISTRYResearchers used marine mussels to improve the mechanical properties of gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) hydrogels. The mussels made hydrogels better than the original design, improving properties useful for wound healing.
While smart technology has allowed efficient medical data management and closer monitoring of our health, preventing more serious diseases in the process, the healthcare sector adopting it en masse has raised serious privacy concerns.
In a study, researchers explored the potential link between aging and becoming ill as one gets older. They found that other factors may have led to such diseases than mere age.
Bowfin fish (Amia calva) is an evolutionary enigma representing a unique combination of ancient and modern fish. Charles Darwin even described it as a "living fossil," that has evolved slower than most fishes.
South African scientists detected a new COVID-19 variant they identified as C.1.2 and according to them, it is too early to predict how it evolves, its mutation, and how infectious it is.
With the newly developed flexible nanotube fiber, one would not need to wear a smartwatch or chest strap for accurate monitoring of heart rate be it for a medical or fitness purpose.
A new study revealed that COVID-19 is a vascular disease and not a respiratory illness. This new research shows how the S protein of the virus is attacking receptor ACE2, impairing endothelium, lining the blood vessel.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for the first time a stroke rehabilitation option that uses a vagus nerve stimulation system to treat moderate to severe motor deficits linked to ischemic stroke.
Experts claim that using salt substitutes, which contain 25 percent potassium chloride and less sodium chloride, could lower risk of stroke and serious cardiovascular events.
A new study shows that psychiatric conditions diagnosed through brain scans are often perceived as inborn and long-lasting, unlike those diagnosed through behavioral tests.
New research recently revealed that teenage individuals from socioeconomic settings are able to deal with difficulty in life after psychological stress if they stay online in moderation
The nation is celebrating National Lemon Juice Day as it commemorates the wonders this citrus fruit brings to people’s health. There are many benefits of lemon for such a celebration.