MEDICINE & HEALTHThe Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai's new study reveals that a part of the brain that controls habits may also play a critical role in learning new things. Researchers hope to learn new insights about neurons and circuits that underlie neurological disorders involving behavior control.
A man, in his 70s, experienced vision loss after recovery from COVID-19. Medical experts, through a study, showed some possible associations between the two conditions.
Dogs owners need to know all the essential information about arteriovenous fistula that may occur in their pets. If the condition becomes severe, treatment may involve surgery.
Experts say the child ages of 10 and 19, is Houston's first healthy child victim. Six additional children died as a result of underlying health problems.
A new challenger has stepped up against Elon Musk's brain chip company Neuralink. However, the new startup has major similarities with the neuroscience enterprise.
Two salmonella strains have infected 24 people and hospitalized 13 more across 14 states. CDC is now investigating to identify the specific Italian deli meats that caused the multi-state salmonella outbreak.
Researchers found evidence as to why dreaming or REM sleep is important for health. The increased cerebral blood flow at this phase refreshes the brain by removing wastes.
Antidepressant Fluvoxamine is found to be effective against COVID-19 and according to an FDA finding, it is also a safe-to-use and cheap-to-produce drug.
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University discovered the viability of MXenes for neuron stimulation that could revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases.
The newly discovered female skeleton in Indonesia is called a new type of ancient human. It is part of the homo sapiens group and archeologists call the group Toaleans.
A new study established that Parkin proteins are a reliable cancer cell supressor and can halt the development of tumor growth that leads to metastasis.
Jpan recently announced the supension of Moderna vaccine rollout throughout the country due to a reported particulate matter contamination in the vials.
A new study reveals that spending moderate time online is one way of coping to the psychological stress teens are experiencing. But there should be a balance between spending time online and doing other coping activities.