MEDICINE & HEALTHNeuroscientists examined neurons in a songbird's forebrain and discovered a remarkable landscape of physiology, auditory coding, and network roles that explains how birds and mammals behave.
Researchers recently developed an Ebola virus vaccine that has shown promise in rabbits and mice. Specifically, what the scientists developed is a new nanoparticle-based shot for protection against the virus.
Car company Ford showed in their study that driving with headphones is not good as it destroys a person's sense of spatial awareness that could lead to accidents.
A study done on mice suggests that common food coloring Yellow 6 and Red 40 could increase risks of inflammatory bowel disease in patients with increased expression of a protein known as IL-23.
Experts say mixing the AstraZeneca and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines could have more side effects, but could it also mean double the protection against the virus?
Covid-19 being a laboratory experiment was already debunked. But a group of experts suggests taking another round of investigation to prove whether the virus is really from natural causes or a failed lab experiment.
Scientists from the University of Arizona have developed a harmless bacteria strain that cures bad breath in dogs. It is modified to mimic the smell of pear and mint.
Researchers have revealed some Greek military secrets debunking a 2,500-year-old claim, which includes the fact that soldier diversity may have been far better than the likes of Herodotus recorded.
Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology helped a quadriplegic man to turn his imagined handwriting into text on a screen. He can produce 90 characters (15 words) per minute.