MEDICINE & HEALTHResearchers at the University of Queensland found that uncooked rice may contain 3-4 milligrams of microplastics in every 100 grams. A scientist said that washing rice could reduce plastics by 20% to 40%.
Now with more than three million deaths worldwide, the COVID-19 origin remains uncertain. For more than a year now, this pandemic has disrupted lives anywhere in the world.
The Valneva COVID-19 vaccine is said to be reliant against the virus. This shot from the French company, Valneva, has yet to reach completion of his clinical trials.
An international team of psychologists and clinicians confirmed a new debilitating condition called the Compulsive Buying-Shopping Disorder (CBSD). The framework of the diagnosis determines at what point excessive buying can be considered a disorder.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature o IUCN recently said that more than 37,400 animal species are at risk of disappearing or becoming extinct. This also puts human survival under threat.
Scientists warn that a year of virtually no flu could mean that more people are susceptible in the next season. Vaccines will still be key in preventing infection.
COVID-19 can spread to people more than six feet apart and, in some circumstances, to those who have passed through a space where the infection is still lingering.
The first batch of ATOMIK apple spirit, distilled from apples growing inside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone was seized in a recent Ukrainian Secret Services investigation.
The World Health Organization validated the "safety, efficacy, and quality of the COVID-19 vaccine of the Chinese state-owned Sinopharm, giving them emergency approval.
Several factors characteristic of modern human lifestyle are reportedly responsible for the "perfect storm" that fosters the growth and transmission of diseases like COVID-19, a new study suggests.