For new parents, taking care of a baby during winter could be tricky. Read to find out some ways to ensure your baby's safety during these cold months.
Authorities recommend staying indoors, exerting caution when travelling, and wearing layers of clothes in order to offset the effects of the deadly cold weather. Read to learn more.
A team of researchers has cracked the code behind Ikaros protein which helps in orchestrating immune responses. Continue reading the article to find out more.
Lack of oral hygiene could result in five major conditions -- diabetes, dementia, pneumonia, heart disease and painful joints. Continue reading to learn more.
The recommended daily step for longevity is only 6,000 but this depends on your age. (Photo: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio) Optimal Daily Steps for Longevity Nearly Only Half of the Recommended Step Count We Knew You do not need to make 10,000 steps a day to live longer.
It's 21:00 in Kabul when Colonel Dr. Jay Johannigman '79 emails in response to the latest Lambda DKE e-letter. He's back on active duty as the medical advisor to the Commander of Forces for Operation Resolute Support, splitting his time between headquarters in Kabul and the large combat support hospital at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.
What exactly is the recommended daily calorie intake? Read to find out. While adults may need to consume 1,600 to 3,000 calories each day, the exact calories a person must consume may vary depending on height, age, sex, and lifestyle.