man riding bicycle near car

Do Bicycle Helmets Make Cyclists Appear Less Human?

In a world where road safety for cyclists is never guaranteed, this piece of recent research is quite alarming: in a survey of over 560 participants, 30% viewed cyclists who were wearing helmets as "less than fully human." Peculiarly, the research showed that cyclists simply wearing a hat were viewed as more human than those wearing a full helmet.

Can Sperm Cause Yeast Infections? Causes, Symptoms Explained

Sperm does not cause yeast infection but may contribute to it. Continue reading to learn more. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Ajay Kumar Chaurasiya) Can Sperm Cause Yeast Infections? Causes, Symptoms Explained Some women accused their partners of giving them yeast infections, prompting some to ask if sperm can cause the condition.
a group of people standing in a room

10 Ways You Can Learn About Public Health

Public health is a fascinating and vital field, focusing on improving and protecting community health and well-being. It encompasses a broad range of topics, from disease prevention and health promotion to environmental health and emergency response. With the ever-evolving nature of health challenges globally, understanding public health is more important than ever.

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