NanoCar Race Starts Next Fall

France will be hosting the first ever NanoCar Race. France will host the first ever NanoCar Race. This is a race between molecule cars as all of the participants will dispatch "cars" so small they are invisible to the naked eye.

Wal-Mart Starts the Christmas Season

Wal-Mart is giving you a headstart for the Holiday Season. The world's largest retailer Wal-Mart opens up the Christmas season by launching its Holiday Lay Away plan four months before Christmas.

Scientists Design Self-Replicating DNA Nanostructures

According to scientists, it is possible to engineer self-replicating DNA nanostructures. According to South Korean and Japanese scientists from the Sungkyunkwan University and Tohoku University, it possible to engineer self-replicating nanomaterials and nanostructures.

Medical Nanotechnology Breakthrought Will Change Mankind Forever

Mankind will be changed forever by the advances in the emerging field of medical nanotechnology. It has been speculated since long by futurists that nanotechnology will revolutionize virtually every field of our lives, medicine making no exception.

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