A new book by professors at MIT outlines science’s benefit to the economy. Science and the economy, both are usual topics in today's news, but what effect does one have on the other? Well, a great example of that is that in the late 80s, the US federal government created a three-billion-dollar, 15-year project to sequence the human genome.
The challenging life experience of bisexual people and how it impacts on their mental health La Trobe University carried out the most extensive study of bisexual people in the world to date and examined why bisexual people experience higher rates of psychological distress than heterosexual and homosexual people.
The nations pledged to strengthen defense cooperation in outer space, cyber and electronic warfare. With China and Russia making ground on their respective space programs and cyber capabilities, as well as becoming a possible threat, the United States and Japan have decided to join forces in strengthening and protecting their interests in the same areas.
The first US clinical trials using Crispr-edited cells have started. Crispr is a revolutionary gene-editing tool that can cut DNA with great precision, allowing genes to be turned off, new genes added or their functions changed.
Pediatric surgeons want to use Crispr for pre-natal treatment. The scariest moment in some parents' life is when a doctor makes a diagnosis of disease or a developmental defect in their unborn child.
The power of beer that feeds the creation of complex political organizations Several decades ago, the Wari Empire stretched across Peru. At the height of the Empire, it covered an area the size of the Eastern seaboard of the US, from New York City to Jacksonville.
Same-sex couples that get approval paid more in interest and fees One of the first steps couples take when buying a home is to apply for a mortgage, but a recent study indicated that lenders are less likely to approve same sex-couples.
Jewish school gets shutdown after refusal to present health documents to the Department of Health. As the controversy in anti-vax issues continue, New York City Department of Health has issued an exclusion order last December that prevents unvaccinated students from attending school in some neighborhoods.
Cultural messages augmenting women’s gut-level feeling that thin is good and fat is bad The public has routinely criticized female celebrities, particularly about their appearance.
The company unveils the design for a lunar lander. Only weeks after Vice President Mike Pence said that NASA must get back to the moon "or else", space contractor Lockheed Martin announced they will help.