POLICYEcologist claims the killing of wildlife in Africa “was his job”. In a new report revealing the sharp decline of elephant populations, one name was brought to the forefront--Ron Thomson.
Police stops may hurt the psychological wellbeing of adolescents The NYU Steinhardt doctoral candidate, Department of Applied Psychology, Juan Del Toro in new research discovers that Latino and Black adolescent boys stopped by the police report more frequent engagement in delinquency behavior after that.
The debate rages on. While cigarette smoking is the top risk factor for lung cancer, some scientific evidence suggests there is no link between marijuana smoking and lung cancer.
Telemedicine patients seem to be prescribed drugs far too often. Sick children were considerably more likely to be prescribed antibiotics if diagnosed through a telemedicine service, opposed to those who went to a doctor's office or clinic, according to a new study.
The latest study shows that biomedical research is mostly conducted on people of European descent. A new analysis finds that 78 percent of people represented in human genetic research are of European descent.
The falling cost of solar power has led to a boom in recent years, with more and more photovoltaic panels popping up on rooftops and backyard solar farms around the world.
NASA is asking for more funding for return mission to the moon. Vice President Mike Pence recently issued a statement demanding NASA to put Americans on the Moon within the next 5 years.
Judge rules against student who refuses to get chickenpox vaccine. A Kentucky high school student lost his lawsuit challenging an order that barred him from school because he refuses to obtain the chickenpox vaccine.
Lofty Presidential goals fall on the shoulders of NASA The Trump Administration, via a press conference held by Vice President Mike Pence, has given NASA an ultimatum; either put American astronauts on the Moon by 2024 or be replaced by private industry.
Maryland government to have 50 percent of its renewable energy standards by 2030. Maryland-based environmental activists, energy companies, and Democratic legislators have been pushing for a bill that would increase the state's renewable energy standards to 50 percent by 2030.
Congress debates climate change policies. The House Science Committee held its first of a promised series of hearings on climate change on Feb. 13, with a second one, dedicated to its impacts on oceans and coasts, scheduled shortly thereafter.
CASAC is recommending a full overhaul of the EPA's scientific-based clean air standards. Today's cleaner air is mostly thanks to science-based air pollution standards.
Japan drafts cryptocurrency regulations. Today cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, have become a global phenomenon known to most people. While still somehow geeky and not understood by the majority of the population, banks, governments and many companies are aware of its importance.
It's everyone's responsibility. Since the election of President Donald Trump, the trend in US federal policy has been to focus on other areas other than climate change.