POLICYKnowing what to expect when exposed to Calamity Prone Areas will help humans decide if it is worth the life residing in the areas listed in the Natural Calamity Map Locators
The artificial intelligence technology is growing up. Robots are acting very similar to human beings. The question arises now, should robots have rights for their protection?
A jury in Seattle pronounced Huawei to pay $4.8million to T-Mobile for breaching trade secrets. The employees of Huawei were allegedly caught taking photos and stealing information related to a robot testing arm developed by T-Mobile.
The 22-year-old unidentified hero, dubbed as the Malware Tech, issued a warning of fresh cyber attacks come Monday. His work stopped the wannacry ransomware from inflicting further damage to computers and businesses worldwide.
Scientists are rushing to find solutions to save coral reefs from extinction. Coral damage is brought about by climate change lashing out temperature spikes, rising sea levels, and ocean acidification.
The US authorities is still persistent to expand the laptop ban on other regions. Meanwhile, Australia Prime Minister sees the best point with the ban and may plan to adopt it.
Local law enforcement agencies across the country opposes their role in the US. government's drive to ban "sanctuary cities." Sheriffs in particular don't want to involve themselves in the duties of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE).
Yemen is now declared in the state of emergency after a cholera outbreak caused death to more than a hundred people. What could happen in this poor country?
Stolen phones can now be identified by potential buyers from used cell phone dealers. Phones have to be reported stolen by owners to get a confirmation if the phone is legit or not.