China Bids Farewell to One-child Policy

After more than three decades, China finally decided to bid farewell to its one-child policy. Now, families can have two children according to a report by Xinhua News Agency.

Gun Law Implementation in the United States

Nationwide gun implementation just took another push. A man opened fire at the Umpqua College in Roseburg City, Eugene, Oregon, killing ten people, including the gunman and injuring 7 more on Oct.

Awareness Week on Safe Driving

The need for the safety talk among the young adults is being urgently suggested, as Teend Drivers Safety Week ensues.

UN Climate Talks in Paris, France

All eyes are set on UN's Climate Talks on Paris this year. World leaders rise up and gather as the last rounds of United Nations climate talks are being finalized.

IBM Says Some Governments Allowed To Review Its Source Code

International Business Machines Corp said on Friday it allows certain countries to review, under strict control, portions of the U.S. technology company's product source code to detect any security flaws in its software.

Ready or Not, Australia’s Data Retention Begins

Data consumers are now to be exposed as data would now be collected under surveillance. Any data from consumers, as long as you are a consumer of telecommunications companies and internet service providers, all of your data are subjected to retention under law.

Skype To be Used In Criminal Trials Investigations

A video conferencing through Skype will help examine the witness in a criminal trial. Skype is an IP telephony service provider that offers free calls between subscribers and offer low-cost charge to those who are not.

The Best Way For Organizations In Using Big Data

The next thing is being transparent. Companies should show to all organizational members what kind of data are being collected, which times and how it is used and how could it affect them.

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