Ohio's Fight For Cannabis Legalization Continues

Toledo, Ohio voted yes on the decriminalization of marijuana Toledo City, Ohio has won the approval of the ballot measure, but the fight has only started for the state on the legalization of Cannabis or Marijuana on both medical and recreational use.

College Scoreboard To Help Incoming Students Launched By Obama

Obama launched the "College Scorecard" last Friday. The Obama Administration launched a new website to help students gauge the colleges and universities to pick to aid them in their pursuit of career without financial compromises.

College Students Use Marijuana Over Tobacco -- Research

College students now prefer to use Marijuana than smoke tobacco. A new wave of trend has been making rounds on the college students. For the first time in more than three decades, marijuana, or what they call "weed" has stumped tobacco on terms of the number of people who use.

Banning Dangerous Research: Hindering Vaccination Development

Is the suspension of the Vaccine development really for the better The gain of function (GOF) studies has been around for years. It's more popular for the term mutation, which scientists have been applying to a lot of things such as viruses, to create more potent and high class deadly virus and eventually find the cure or the perfect vaccine that could fight against the current deadly viral diseases such as MERS, SARS and Influenza.

50 Migrants Dead: A Migrants Crisis in Europe

50 migrants dead in a truck, a reflection of a bigger issue EU's migant crisis. 50 people found dead on the back of a food delivery truck along the border of Austria Thursday morning.

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