Ernest Hamilton

5 Sci-Fi Movie Technologies Seeing Real-World Applications

5 Sci-Fi Movie Technologies Seeing Real-World Applications

Hollywood screenwriters have a long tradition of utilizing speculative technology in science fiction storytelling. While the majority of these concepts remain the stuff of fantasy, some end up becoming real-life inventions.
The Covid-19 Vaccine Race

The Covid-19 Vaccine Race

The year 2020 would go down in the history of the world as the year of pandemic. The sheer magnitude of a scare a virus can cause is something we have never anticipated in our history. Pharmaceutical companies globally have been on the hunt for a vaccine ever since the news of the outbreak broke out. The end of 2020 and the year 2021 will be the year for vaccines. As the race heats up, we shall look into the various brands developing vaccines, their recent update and how it affects the global stock markets.
Importance of PAPR & How it helps?

Importance of PAPR & How it helps?

Many jobs across diverse industries require Respiratory Protection to safeguard workers from certain hazardous particulates, vapors, gases, fumes and other contaminants. Examples of these protective products include disposable respirators, reusable respirators, and powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR).
How to Deal with Pain and Inflammation in Your Dog

How to Deal with Pain and Inflammation in Your Dog

Much like humans, dogs suffer from pain and inflammation. However, unlike humans, helping your dog with pain and inflammation isn't easy. So what do you do when your canine friend is in distress? And what are signs to look out for when your dog is paining? Well, that's what we shall look at in this post.
The Most Innovative Technological Advancements in Dentistry

The Most Innovative Technological Advancements in Dentistry

Over the years, visiting the dentist is not publicly known as one of the most pleasant or anticipated of visits. Most people choose to skip dental visits because of the discomfort that comes with it. However, dental health and making sure you are caring for your mouth, gum, and teeth, is paramount to overall health.
10 Steps for Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

10 Steps for Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Preparing your paper for publication can be exhausting. Who said that it is fun? Someone who never had to do it, probably. Many of us need to deal with this due to the academic regulations - you cannot proceed with your thesis if you don't have a published paper or several papers in peer-reviewed journals or full-range scientific magazines.
How Regenerative Braking System Works

How Regenerative Braking System Works

Do you ever wonder what mechanisms the regenerative braking system employs? The stopping of a car requires a buildup of kinetic energy. The friction needed for efficient braking is created in the hydraulic system when the drum and shoe or the disk and brake rub against each other, eventually producing heat. Once the heat is dissipated to the atmosphere, energy is lost.
Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding Target Enrichment Sequencing

Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding Target Enrichment Sequencing

Next-generation sequencing for genetic research is becoming a more and more desirable commodity, which, along with the commercialization of various NGS platforms, is increasingly used by many laboratories worldwide. (Source: Target Enrichment) As can be seen in recent years, computer-aided whole-genome analysis is frequently applied as the basis for cutting-edge discoveries in biomedical research.
Tech Jobs That Allow You to Work from Home

Tech Jobs That Allow You to Work from Home

If you want to work from home, you might have considered getting a tech role. More people are working in the industry remotely. As long as you have an internet connection and the right tools, you can earn a living from your home. It's a good idea to know more about what to expect before choosing a position.
How to Evaluate a Medical Billing Service Provider?

How to Evaluate a Medical Billing Service Provider?

Medical Billing service providers were created to provide a very valuable service to medical health facilities at a nominal charge which usually deviates them from their original obligations.
Big Data Gets Serious: Data's Role in Fighting This Pandemic and Rebuilding Our Economy

Big Data Gets Serious: Data's Role in Fighting This Pandemic and Rebuilding Our Economy

Before 2020, big data was an invaluable business tool that allowed tech companies to help us find our perfect date, helped us buy more goods and services than we even realized we needed, and directed us to new entertainment using data on our past interests and activities. Now, in 2020, big data is more important than ever, and its serious side is taking the lead by helping to battle a once-in-a-century pandemic and rebuild a shattered economy.
Correct Procedure in Waste Disposal during the Pandemic

Correct Procedure in Waste Disposal during the Pandemic

In the year 2020, the world has been shaken because of the coronavirus disease. This illness is caused by the novel coronavirus (nCoV), temporarily named "2019-nCoV," then subsequently changed to "COVID-19 virus". The first human case of the COVID-19 was reported in December 2019 in Wuhan City, China.
Improving Education and Skills with OneClass

Improving Education and Skills with OneClass

When it comes to shaping your future and looking forward to a more fulfilling life, one of the things you have to think about is your career. The career you move into can have a huge impact on your life, as it affects everything from job satisfaction and rewards to financial stability and more. Naturally, we all want to get into a job that we both enjoy and that pays well. However, this is not always an easy goal to achieve.
Mastering Fears with Adam Jablin

Mastering Fears with Adam Jablin

The internet is filled with messages that are designed to inspire and motivate people in their every day, business, or even their love lives. That kind of cheap motivation might only get someone so far before its fuel runs out, and they're left having to deal with what lies beneath, which usually means dealing with emotions.
It's Time to Make a Fantastic Video Presentation!

It's Time to Make a Fantastic Video Presentation!

It's the internet age and more people are turning their interests from reading books to watching videos. Literally, for every single task such as studying, learning, entertainment, and presentation, people tend to seek videos as their method to complete the job. It's easier to watch and memorize what we see in a video with moving characters and special sound effects than what we read in a book. Videos are interactive and take less effort. Currently, 60% of the global internet traffic comes from video streaming and download, which is expected to increase to 82% by the year 2022. Ultimately having a good grip on making outstanding video presentations is essential these days.
How to Enhance Your Child's STEM Education Online

How to Enhance Your Child's STEM Education Online

A solid foundation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is an essential part of childhood education. Starting from a young age, children can be introduced to concepts that will form the basis of advanced education in some of the skills that are most in-demand in today's workforce.
Most High-Paying Science Jobs You Can Choose

Most High-Paying Science Jobs You Can Choose

You feel inspired by science, and envision your entire life connected to it. When you think of a future career, you know that it will have something to do with science. But passion is not the only thing that drives careers forward. Smart people choose lucrative careers. They will still love their jobs, but they will also make more than enough money to support a comfortable lifestyle.
Allo Allo: It is ok to buy refurbished phones?

Allo Allo: It is Ok to Buy Refurbished Phones?

Allo Allo is one of the most authentic refurbishers in the world, who deal in supplying refurbished electronics at great prices. This Hong Kong based brand owned by the group Icon Globe Trade has spread in recent time to more than 70 countries worldwide. Their online shopping portal has easy to use features with multiple language support like English, Spanish, French, German and Portuguese. The website automatically detects the customer's location and displays the language according to the customer's country which makes the shopping experience extremely user friendly.
RFID Tracking Is Making Our Supply Chain Stronger than Ever

RFID Tracking Is Making Our Supply Chain Stronger than Ever

Gone are the days when supply chain professionals had to put their shipments on a truck, ship, train, or airplane and hear nothing until they arrived at the other side. These days, supply chain and logistics professionals are using RFID chips and GPS tracking devices to follow shipments and keep tabs on them throughout the shipping and warehousing process.
The Lingering Challenges of Electric Vehicle Engineering

The Lingering Challenges of Electric Vehicle Engineering

The whole concept of an electric vehicle is nothing new. The first "horseless carriages" were electric and required you to crank up the battery with a hand crank on the front of the vehicle, a dangerous endeavor most of the time because the hand crank was metal. The latest electric cars are supposed to be a solution to the consumption of fossil fuels and the lingering natural resources. However, there are still some lingering challenges with electric vehicle engineering.
Online Beatdown? Get Frankie Lee in Your Corner

Online Beatdown? Get Frankie Lee in Your Corner

Compared to his present life as a thriving entrepreneur, British Frankie Lee started in the most unusual of places, as a professional boxing trainer and owner of his own gym. In the school of hard knocks, Frankie taught his fighters to dance around the ring, survive, and fight back in the small enclosed world of the boxing ring. For the two people stuck inside it, the world inside the ropes is one of a kill or be killed mentality, with attack and defense often being one and the same.
What Is Triple X Syndrome? How Can I Know If My Baby Is At Risk?

What Is Triple X Syndrome? How Can I Know If My Baby Is At Risk?

Triple X syndrome is a relatively common genetic disorder that occurs in about 1 of every 1,000 female births. Normally, girls are born with two X chromosomes -- one from their mother, and one from their father. A girl born with Triple X syndrome has three X chromosomes.
What Are The Risks Of Breast Implants?

What Are The Risks Of Breast Implants?

Are you considering breast implants? Whether you are looking to make your breasts look evener, increase the size, or alter the shape, among other considerations, with the right service, you can realize desirable results.
According to a Scientific Study: Good Oral Hygiene Lowers the Risk of Developing Diabetes

According to a Scientific Study: Good Oral Hygiene Lowers the Risk of Developing Diabetes

A recent study suggests that a good oral hygiene could prevent you from diabetes. It showed that those who brush their teeth three times per day had an 8% lower risk, while the presence of dental disease augments it by 9%. Furthermore, it indicates that people missing more than 15 teeth have a diabetes risk increase of 21%. These are relatively high numbers that tell how important oral hygiene is. We spoke with dental and oral hygiene experts from Woodborough House Dental Practise in Reading and this is what they told us.
9 Steps To Bursitis Free Life

9 Steps To Bursitis Free Life

Every 1 in 31 US citizens suffers from bursitis. This makes the total number to a whopping 8.7 million. This number must have left you wondering what exactly this disease is/ bursae are the fluid-filled sacs around the joints. When you move them, these bursae provide lubrication. They also act as a cushion against any fall. That's why your joints don't get dislocated whenever you fall.
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