Ernest Hamilton

Anxiety and Addiction: Is There a Relation?

Almost everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. It can be triggered by challenges at work, difficulties in relationships or any kind of stress. Interestingly, that many people do not always recognize that they feel anxious until they feel physical symptoms of it. As anxiety causes distressing feelings and strong negative emotions, an individual seeks for relief. Some people struggling with anxiety choose substances to get rid of negative emotions.

7 Healthful Reasons Why You Should Try CBD Oil

While CBD oil is mainly used for topical treatments, but it can be infused into foods and drinks or consumed through a vaporizer. Let's explore some of the reasons why you should try CBD oil.

How Technology is Changing Small Businesses

Technology is changing all of our lives at a fast pace. For those of you who own small businesses, it can be challenging to keep up with all of these changes.

6 Types of Tubes Used in Science Laboratories

A tube is one of the most common laboratory equipment. Lab tubes are normally found in science labs in their special-purpose racks. Labs use them to store conduct and materials to be used for experiment and research purposes. Tubes are also used for heating, cooling mixing chemicals. There are several types of laboratory tubes used for specific purposes.

Scary Side-Effects of 3 Common Medications

Sometimes, medication is necessary to maintain good health. But those medications can come with side-effects that are as unwelcome as our health woes. Learn about what these side-effects are, and if they are avoidable.

Crabs' Camouflage Tricks Revealed

Crabs from a single species rely on different camouflage techniques depending on what habitat they live in, new research shows.

New wheel units could bring vehicle costs down

Vehicles could be affordably produced for a wide variety of specialized purposes using a sophisticated wheel unit developed by researchers at the University of Waterloo.

Physicists proposed fast method for printing nanolasers from rerovskites

An international research team has developed a new method of synthesizing miniature light sources. It is based on a special laser which produces millions of nanolasers from a perovskite film in a few minutes. Such lasers look like small disks, work at room temperature and have an tunable emission wavelength from 550 to 800 nm.
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