Kendra Stacy

Woman Survived 33,333-Feet Fall Without Parachute; How Did She Make It Through?

Elephant Kills Man on Safari After He Left Car To Snap Photos; How Common Are Elephant Attacks on Humans?

Woman Who Underwent Pioneering Double Surgery For Second Ever Pig Kidney Transplant and Heart Pump Dies

Will Climate Change Lead to More Earthquakes? Here's How Rising Sea Levels, Glacial Melts May Affect Future Seismic Activity

Using Video Games To Fight Climate Change: How Can They Help With Promoting Climate Action?

Navy Sailor Punished For Attempting to Access Biden's Medical Records Several Times Amidst Concerns Regarding POTUS Mental Capacity, Physical Health

Giant Pandas in San Diego Zoo Revealed in First Images After Arriving in the US From China; Is China's 'Panda Diplomacy' Program Good For Their Conservation?

Titanic's Fourth Funnel Was Fake; Why Were Only 3 Smokestacks in the Ship Functional?

President Joe Biden Not Receiving Parkinson's Disease Treatment Following NYT Report of POTUS Visit of Parkinson's Specialist

First AI Beauty Pageant Crowns Winner Among 1,500 Computer-Generated Women; How Is Technology Influencing Beauty Standards, Body Image?
Nuclear Strike in America? Investigative Journalist Details What Could Happen; Here's How Deadly Nuclear Weapons Are

Rare Double Meteor Shower of Delta Aquariids, Alpha Capricornids To Peak Simultaneously in the Night Sky; Here's How To Watch Them

How Does Online Shopping Affect the Environment? Here's How Global E-Commerce Has Contributed to Plastic Waste, CO2 Emissions

Nuclear Bombs in Space: Here's What Would Happen If Russia Detonated One

'Microdosing' Candies of Diamond Shruumz Linked To Illness, Death Amidst Spike in Cases; Company Recalls Products Due to Muscimol Content

Ordinary Fat Cells Discovered by Scientists Capable of Burning Calories; Could This Open New Approaches to Weight Loss?

King Pompey's Long-Lost Home Likely Found by Archaeologists; Who Was This Esteemed Figure in the Black Community?

Mini-Brains From Cells of Multiple People Developed by Scientists in World First

Ozempic-Like Drugs for Diabetes Could Reduce Risk of Cancer, Study Reveals

Google Admits to 48% Greenhouse Gas Emission Increase in Past 5 Years; Artificial Intelligence Advancements Could Be To Blame

Stresslaxing' Reality: Why Do Some People Find It So Hard To Relax?

Winner of Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest on Fourth of July Eats 58 Hot Dogs in 10 Minutes; How Does Competitive Eating Affect the Body?

Bee Stinger Lodges Into Man's Eye After Buzzing Attack; How Dangerous Is an Ocular Bee Sting?

Missing 12-Year-Old Girl's Remains Discovered After Croc Attack by River Bank; Why Are Crocodiles So Aggressive?

Is Social Battery a Real Thing? What Does It Mean When It Is Low?

Assisted Death: Dying Mother Admits To Ending Life of Terminally Ill Son With Huge Morphine Dose

Celebrate Fourth of July Safely: Here Are Some Safety Tips To Keep in Mind

Nine-Year-Old Boy Goes Through Five Organ Transplants Due to Extremely Rare Genetic Condition

Early-Stage Embryo Formation Captured by Scientists in Incredible Footage Could Aid Understanding of Congenital Birth Defects and Their Correction
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