When the bioengineered E. coli was exposed to a sample of brewery wastewater, the bacteria gobbled it up in over 50 hours, showing that the system could potentially enable energy production alongside simultaneous organic waste processing. Read to learn more.
SpaceX has finished and documented 57 out 63 corrective actions advised by the FAA, with Elon Musk noting that the remaining six will follow in later flights. Read to learn more.
While NASA predicted that asteroid Dimorphos slowed down its orbit by 33 minutes a month after the collision, recent unexpected observations made by a high school class showed that it was one minute slower than this figure. Read to learn more.
Some think that eating boogers is good for the body, but is this really the case? Read to find out. Some have been suggesting that nose picking and eating booger could boost the immune system, but is this really true? Mucophagy: Nose Picking and Eating Boogers Mucus, or boogers, traps germs and dust before reaching the lungs.
Using glaciers as a volcano monitoring tool could supplement existing monitoring approaches or could serve as an alternative when other methods are not feasible. Read to learn more.
Moving forward, the researchers hope to use the Webb telescope to confirm the presence of dimethyl sulfide in the atmosphere of exoplanet K2-18b. Read to learn more.
Findings of the study suggest that there were three track sited in the Cape south coast that appeared to have hominin origins and crisp outlines but not toe impression evidence. Read to learn more.
The human relative remains' journey to space has been widely criticized for not having a sufficient scientific purpose, especially since malfunctions in the journey could potentially destroy the specimen. Read to learn more.
Goose tongues are filled with angled and sharp spikes. Do they count as teeth? Read to find out. Each animal has its own unique adaptations that enable it to survive within its environment.
Aside from the issue of construction feasibility, there are several challenges that need to be overcome in order to proceed with building and placing a hypertelescope on the Moon. Read to learn more.
The study suggests that black holes could be present in Hyades Star Cluster, which is the closest open cluster to our solar system. Read to learn more.
While their previous soft robot was able to navigate through simple environments, this new brainless soft robot that works on physical intelligence was observed to move through more complex mazes. Read to learn more.
While a huge number of Americans are thought to be undiagnosed and to not have received the medical support they need, the researchers are hopeful that the novel blood test for detecting chronic fatigue syndrome could help with this. Read to learn more.
The researchers were shocked to find microplastics present in every organ of the mouse models after just three weeks of ingesting microplastic-treated water. Read to learn more.
The findings of the study pertaining to the decrease and increase of large and small fish in the ocean, respectively, could be crucial to understanding how global warming affects different species and ecosystems. Read to learn more.
If active and fast-growing supermassive black holes are indeed fewer than expected, it could question what is currently understood about galactic and black hole formation. Read to learn more.
The researchers think that their water-writing technique can be expanded to other kinds of pens, such as laser-powered ones, that could also be used in water. Read to learn more.
These ocean flows triggered by the Tonga eruption were significantly faster compared to the ones caused by floods, storms, or earthquakes. Read to learn more.
The birdlike dinosaur finding could serve as a vital and interesting piece of evidence that could help shed light on the wide distribution of birdlike dinosaurs at similar periods and how they share similar habitats with bird descendants. Read to learn more.
The Vikram moon lander was able to float at around 15 inches above the lunar surface before soft-landing around 11 to 15 inches from where it previously sat. Read to learn more.
Though the lab-grown human embryos are not identical to actual live ones, they could serve as models that open various possibilities for further research on human embryonic development. Read to learn more.
Archaeologists initially thought that the arrow shaft dated back to the Iron Age. However, they discovered that the artifact was much older than that. Read to learn more.