Medicine & TechnologyA lot of people are still hoping that a new planet will be found and scientists have not placed an end to the search. In fact, there are a number of scientists that support the idea that the Solar System goes far beyond the Kuiper Belt.
Early detection of cancer can save millions of lives every year. The most interesting, yet easiest, ways are now in place. Data from new research prove very promising results.
A bill is in the works to possibly figure out health effects and health risks of water contaminants found in drinking water. It is now being researched whether newly found contaminants should be regulated or not.
Human papillomavirus is a common, yet treatable, sexually transmitted disease. It is known to infect more than 40% percent of adults between the ages of 18 to 60 in the US. However, what many of them don't know is the fact that a majority of them are now prone to cancer.
Two new species of orchids found in Okinawa are named Gastrodia nippondoides and Gastrodia okinawensis. These are not the typical pretty flowers that we know of, however. A shocking discovery reveals that not only are these plants unable to photosynthesize, they are also parasitic.
The Soyuz space vehicle has been used for travel to and fro the Internation Space Station for decades. Compared to other space vehicles, it is considered as the safest. How can this vehicle transport a group of humans safely from space to the Earth and vice versa?
Rogue waves have been a mystery for centuries, creating fear for seafarers all over the world. Nobody knew when, how, or why they occur. However, new machinery, with the help of improved mathematical models, may have discovered the main reason causing massive rogue waves.
An increasing number of users have been increasing the demand for connectivity. However, this has significantly affected the speed and service each user can receive. Photonics and radio frequency coding are seen as the newest solutions to improve dwindling wireless communication speeds.
Reports indicate that shark sighting is a common trend during the springtime. Closure of Florida beaches during the months of February and March are quite common every year. People are now wondering why sharks are a common sight during this season.
Maiasaura dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years yet paleontologists are still on the look out for possible clues about their life and their death. What could have caused the short life and early death of Maiasaura dinosaur babies?
Fire-retardant capabilities, fire-proof interiors, and built-in fire extinguishers - these are the newest technologies when it comes to lithium-ion-batteries. People are now asking how much these innovations are going to change the future of mobile technolgy.
A 'Trojan Horse' virus is now being used as a carrier of healthy genes in hopes of stimulating the regeneration of damaged hair cells. The first successful case of cured congenital hearing loss in animals has been put in place. Can the same treatment be used to redeem lost hearing?