Margaret Davis

Mozart Effect: Scientists Explain Why This One Song Relaxes Brain Activity of Patients With Epilepsy
Thousands of Seabirds Die Due to Starvation During Ferocious Winter Cyclones; Experts Warn Climate Change Could Worsen It
Go Skywatching This Week As the Moon Creeps Up to Saturn, Jupiter When They Take the Spotlight

Inexpensive Saliva Testing for COVID-19 Easier, Safer Than Nasal Swabs, Research Confirms

Will You Eat Lab-Grown Fish Fingers? Famous Maker of Birds Eye Exploring Cell-Cultured Seafood Products
Some Primates Carrying Their Baby's Cadaver Suggests That It May Be a Form of Grieving
99 Million-Year-Old Fossil of Spider Mom Protecting Its Young Preserved Found in Amber
SpaceX, Blue Origin,Three Other Companies Collectively Won $146 Million For NASA's Crewed Trips to the Moon

Mental Health Difficulties Associated With School Closures Vary Across Sociodemographic Characteristics
Hair Cell Regeneration in Humans Might Be Possible Using Lab-Grown Cochlear Organoids, New Research Found
353 Days in Space: NASA Announces Mission Extension for Astronaut Mark Vande Hei, Setting a New Record in Spaceflight

People Only Listen to Information That Confirms Their Beliefs Even If It Spreads Misinformation Online, Study Reveals

What Causes COVID-19 Variants? Rise of Coronavirus Mutations Highlights the Role of Evolutionary Biology
European Green Crab Showed Extensive Dispersal Despite High Gene Flow, Low Genetic Diversity
World's Oldest Known Archaeological Site Candidates From 2.5 Million Years Ago, Make Giza Pyramids, Stonehenge Seem Young
Secret of Success Revealed: AI Study Unveils Magical Formula of Film Directors, Famous Artists Like Van Gogh

Fact Check: Can Botox Protect People From COVID-19? That is What French Scientists Claim

SpaceX, Blue Origin Competitor? Apple's Steve Wozniak New Space Company Keeps Space "Safe and Accessible to Humans"
Kuruma Shrimp Genome Provides Genetic Resource of Immune-Related Genes for Fisheries Management

What Are Booster Shots? US FDA Set to Discuss Pfizer's Application for a COVID-19 Vaccine Third Dose

Uchuu Simulation: Largest, Most Detailed Virtual Universe Ever Made Compressed in 100 TB, Also Available for Viewing Online

Sunlight Exposure for 100 Hours or Less Melts Plastics, Breaks Them Down Into Smaller Soup of New Chemicals
6 Female Ocelots Returned to the Wild After Being Rescued From Wildlife Traffickers
Icy Plumes Mystery Finally Solved, Mechanism May Predict Upcoming Deadly Supercell Storms Bringing Tornadoes, Hailstones
Colorized Film of Tasmanian Tiger in Australia Shows What the Extinct Thylacine Might Look Like
Extremely Rare Pig-Faced Shark Shocks Italian Sailors; Is This a Mutant Fish?
NASA's Gateway Lunar Space Station Supporting Artemis Moon-Landing Mission to Perform Experiments on Space
Neanderthals Are More Advanced Species; Studies Show Complex Tool-Making Techniques, Excellent Working Memory

Oysters Developed Debilitating Tissue Abnormalities Due to Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in 2010
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists