Margaret Davis

Lonely Fruit Flies Eat More, Sleep Less Like Humans Living During the Pandemic
Seasonal Blue Moon August 2021 Coming Up This Week: How Did It Get Its Name?

Public Health at Greater Risk as Healthcare Workforce Weakens
Tennis Ball-Size Giant Turtle Egg Opened for the First Time to See the Rare Embryo Undisturbed for 90 Million Years

New Inflatable Robotic Prosthetics Gives Real-Time Tactile Control to Amputees at an Affordable Price
Hematite Found on Earth in 19th Century Opens Possibility of Former Life, Water on Mars
Protein Involved in Tumor Growth May Help Protect Against Neuronal Decay, Prevent Neurodegeneration
Space Junk Cleanup Now Possible Thru Tiny AuroraSat-1 CubeSat to be Launched Later This Year

Satellite Captures Mass Evacuation; Images from Space Show Crowds Surge at Kabul's International Airport, Afghanistan

Comparisons of Multiple Strains of Cacao Trees Provide Insights on Genomic Structural Variants Responsible for Plant Diversity

Jeff Bezos Sues NASA for 'Fundamental Issues' in Awarding the $2.9 Billion Lunar Lander Contract

How To Sleep Better: Neuropsychologist Shares Tips on Snoozing Back After Waking up at 3 Am

Park for Stargazing: International Dark-Sky Association Declares Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park as World's First Dark Sky Park
Famine Prevention: Infection-Causing Enzyme in Plants as Potential Pathogen Treatment Against Plant Diseases

Saving Coastline Fortresses: Probiotics Boost Coral Health; Bacteria Prevent Mortality From Heat Stress

Disney's Space 220 Restaurant Set to Open in September: Take a Space Elevator to This Out-of-This-World Diner!

German Anti-Vaxxer Nurse Allegedly Injects 8,600 Fake Jabs; Saline Solution Not Harmful but Has Side Effects
NASA Debunks Russian Claim of Serena Auñón-Chancellor’s Alleged Breakdown Damaging the Spacecraft, Keeps Astronaut’s Medical Info Private
Bottlenose Dolphins Burn Fat Slower as They Age; Possible Key To Understand Human Metabolism

New AI System Can Translate the English Language Into Codes So Programmers Can Save Time
Elusive Shape-Shifting Scaleless Fish Made a Rare Appearance in the California Coast After 100 Years

Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking's Fear of AI's Possible Threat to Human Existence Coming True? Killer AI Might Be Inevitable

Heat Stroke vs Heat Exhaustion Signs, Symptoms: How to Treat Both Illnesses

Sylacauga Woman Recorded As First Person Hit By Meteorite; What Are the Odds That It Will Happen to You?

Revenge Psychology Shows 58% Prefer Immediate Retribution Than Waiting to Get Vengeance, But Are Not Satisfied
Mars Dune Alpha Simulates Living on the Red Planet: What Is Inside the 3D-Printed Habitat in Johnson Space Center?

People's Immune System NOT Physical Attributes Is Reportedly the Key to Sexual Attraction, Studies Claim

Coral Reefs in More Polluted, High Traffic Water Handled Extreme Heats Better Than Untouched Environments
Darwin's Finches' Biology Provide Insights to the Theory of Evolution with How They Evade a Parasitic Fly
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Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists