Matthew Charnock

Just A Bunch Of Hot Air? The Truth About Vaping

Vaping has become an incredibly marketable practice in recent years, promising smokers a "healthy" alternative to tobacco cigarettes. But are these manufactures just blowing hot air?

More Mocha, Less Melanoma―The Correlation Between Coffee Consumption And Skin Cancer

We're all aware of how we should be protecting ourselves from the sun's cancer-causing ultraviolet rays: Sunscreen, occupying the shade, and minimal sun exposure. We're force-fed those precautions each and every summer. But what if your daily coffee run could be just as beneficial? An study recently published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI), may just reveal the link between coffee consumption and decreased rates of melanoma.

The Secret Behind The Cone Snail's Lethal Venom―Insulin

Cone snails are one of the ocean's most lethal, efficient predators. Able to immobilize captured prey within a matter of seconds, its venom contains one unusually potent compound―hypoglycemic-inducing insulin.

The Pope's Forward-thinking Climate Stance Faces Conservative Opposition

Pope Francis has been finding himself in warm―not holy―waters with conservatives ever since he recently announced the Catholic Church's stance on climate change. He's gone on to publicly state that our planet's altering landscape and atmosphere composition is not just a political issue, but a "human" one as well. The currently appointed pontiff is in the midst of drafting an encyclical, a papal letter to be sent to the bishops of the Roman Catholic Church, which will highlight how the church can catalyze positive climate change. But those within the church are questioning whether or not the leader of the faith should be getting involved.

Demystifying Archaic 1500 Year Old Palindromic Amulet

Time is the one constant variable in all of our lives. Minutes push by, hours pass over, and years ring around the trunks of senior trees. 1,500 years is a time scale that may seem almost immeasurable at times, but a new discovery reveals that it has been written down, recorded to a tee. An excavation near the ancient city of Nea Paphos had unearthed an amulet of such an age that inscribed written language on one side and curiously depicted both Greek and Egyptian gods on the other.

Quantum Computing Laser The Size of A Grain of Rice―Coming To A Screen Near You

A sole grain of rice is anything but filling; it is, however, small. Now, imagine a laser producing electrode that size. It's like something straight out of a low-budget Sci-Fi film. But now it's a reality―a laser of equal size has been created by a few researchers at Princeton University, representing a "quantum" leap in future technology.

Threatened Thresher Shark Birth Captured on Film

Thresher sharks are among the open ocean's most interesting predators, using their elongated tails to herd and stun schools of fish. And now, for the first time, a mother pelagic thresher shark was caught on camera giving birth off the Philippine coast.

The One-In-A-Million Birth, Genetically Identical Triplets Born In Montana

When Montana couple, Jodey and Jase Kinsey, gave birth to triplets earlier this week, the two young parents were overjoyed. But soon after the births of their three healthy boys in the delivery room, they soon learned that they struck the biologic lottery, scoring a genetic jackpot if you will. The newly born boys Ian, Milo, and Cade, are all genetically identical brothers, representing a one-in-a-million birth.

Off With a Boom, and Back with a Crash — SpaceX Mission

Elon Musk, the brains behind Tesla Motors and SpaceX, is aiming to redefine how celestial navigation will be conducted in the future. But with the failure of the Falcon 9 return, his latest attempt was "close, but no cigar."

"Spin, Spin, Spinning Around": A New Method On How We Measure Stars

Stars litter our skies with celestial light, continually cementing the fact that our planet, no matter how large it may seem, is just a grain of sand on the beach that is our shared universe. And, for years, astronomers have gauged a star's age by how brightly it shined. While this is moderately effective, another method has been tested-and-proven to be more accurate. Published in the newest issue of the journal Nature, astronomer's note that how quickly a star spins is the ideal metric to determining its age.

The Gogoro Smartscoooter—Revolutionizing How We Will Commute In The City

Cities, as you very well may know, are the dense concrete jungles of humanity. And, with this shoulder-to-shoulder way of life, transportation-and really infrastructure, for that matter-seems to be the foot-tall speed bump that every city-dweller despises. Everyone, no matter what their position, has somewhere to go; the everyday commute is inevitable. And with that, everyone needs a means of transportation.

Unusual Sightings in the Annual Bird Count

The annual Audubon Bird Watch is a 115-year-old tradition that unites bird watchers from all corners of North America, to catalog their sightings. And this year lead to some usual avian leads.

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