Olive Marie

Science Times - 9,000-Year History of Corn Unveiled

9,000-Year History of Corn Unveiled

New research that unveils details of the 9,000-year history of corn is a leading example of how a basic study on ancient DNA can produce insights into the history of humans.
Science Times - Pandemic Side Effect: Discarded Face Masks, PPEs Infecting Oceans

Discarded Face Masks and PPEs End Up in Oceans

A study approximated that more than 120 billion masks and over 60 billion plastic-containing gloves are used worldwide every month, with a substantial portion ending up in the oceans of the world.

Here’s How Humans Are Still Evolving

Human evolution is a long process of change by which people, as the Smithsonian Institution explained, "originated from apelike ancestors."
Science Times - FDA Authorizes Emergency Use of COVID-19 Vaccine in the Us 1 Day After Recommendation From Advisory Panel

FDA Authorizes Emergency Use of COVID-19 Vaccine in the US

The FDA approved the emergency use of the COVID-19 vaccine that Pfizer and BioNTech produced. Federal officials finally approved the emergency use of the COVID-19 vaccine that Pfizer and BioNTech produced in a breakthrough decision that commits to drastically alter the fight against COVID-19 in the United States.
Science Times - Research Into Cancer Conducted At The Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute

Fatty Diets Feed Cancer and Starve Immune Cells

Study reveals that fat starves immune cells and hinder them from targeting tumors. Obesity has been associated with cancer for quite some time now, although the complete scenario still eludes researchers.
Can You Tell When People Are Happy? Study Says It Depends on Where They Live

Happiness Depends On Where One Lives

The meaning of happiness is not the same in all places. The meaning of happiness is not the same in all places. Meaning, it depends on where in the world you live "and (the) benefits from using different measures.
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