Olive Marie

Science Times - Mystery Behind Missing Genes of the Mistletoe Revealed

Romantic Mistletoe? Science Disagrees

Mistletoe is 'is less romantic' and it is a kind of parasite. Its leaves yield sugars by photosynthesis rather than roots, and its structures pierce the host tree's essential tissues to suck out water and nutrients.
Science Times - Biology Says Facial Hair is Useless: Here are Some Reasons Why We Many Have It

Facial Hair: Many People Have It, But What Are They For?

Pogonophile is an individual who loves beards a lot or someone who is bearded. Beards and mustaches: these are the only two types of facial hair. Every style of facial hair, either you've ever had or seen, is one of these two or both.

8 Remarkable Things About Spiders

Even though all spiders are known to have venom, only a few are said to be dangerous to humans. For many people, the mere thought of spiders invokes pictures of tarantulas, wolf spiders, and other terrifying creatures.
Science Times - Study Shows the Long-Term Impacts of Yelling at a Dog

Long-Term Impacts of Yelling at a Dog

A study finds that 'aversive training' like positive punishment, as well as negative reinforcement, could result in long-term impacts on the mental state of the dog.
Science Times - 5 Ways to Reduce Your Christmas Tree’s Carbon Footprint

5 Ways to Reduce Your Christmas Tree’s Carbon Footprint

As you prepare to put on a new tree, you might want to consider one with a low carbon footprint. We're only a few days away from Christmas. While families already have their homes adorned with Christmas decors, they may still opt to have theirs decorated during the Christmas week.
Science Times - Research Shows Link Between Big Brains and Autism

Research Shows Link Between Big Brains and Autism

A pair of revolutionary studies at the UC Davis MIND Institute offer hints about probable types of autism associated with brain structure, including growth in size and white matter.
Science Times - Kangaroos Use a Unique Gaze to ‘Talk’ to Humans, Experts Say

Kangaroos Use Unique Gaze to ‘Talk’ to Humans

A study found that kangaroos could "talk to humans" using a unique gaze. Totally undomesticated animals such as kangaroos can deliberately communicate with human beings, reversing the script on the notion of deliberate association from animals to humans, just transpiring with occurring in animals such as horses, goats, or dogs.
Science Times - Study Reveals by Age 3, Children Prefer the Fractal Patterns of Nature

Children By Age 3 Prefers Fractal Patterns of Nature

Researchers at the University of Oregon recently reported that before their third birthday, children already gave a preference akin to that of adults for visual fractal patterns typically seen in nature.
Science Times - Despite Push From Environmentalists, Bottled Water Consumption Remains Ubiquitous

Report Identifies Chemical Plastics as a Global Health Threat

Plastics and the chemicals they leave behind pose a major threat to the health of humans. A new scientific report recently concluded that plastics and the chemicals they leave behind in the environment pose a major threat to the health of humans.
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