An image from the MeerKAT radio telescope shows radio emissions from different phenomena, including the heart of the Milky Way galaxy from 25,000 light-years away. Check out its stunning photo that looks like contemporary art in this article.
The newest studies of frozen molecules by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope will aid scientists in understanding how habitable planets emerge. Read the article to learn more.
A month after starting its orbit, South Korea's Danuri sends back breathtaking photos of the earth and moon as it continues its lunar mission. Read to know more.
Space is "running out of space" and this may result in space war. Read on to know why. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Unknown Author (The U. S. National Archives)) Space is "running out of space", and this may result in space war.
NASA recently announced financing a nuclear rocket that might reduce the travel time to reach Mars from seven months to 45 days. Check out this article to learn more details.