SPACENASA has unveiled information about the multibillion-dollar new space telescope, although most details still have to be ironed out. Read the article to learn more about it.
Researchers discover oceans worth 300 meters deep within Mars that signify how the planet could have been able to host life. Read to know more about these findings.
The first orbital launch in the United Kingdom was a failure. However, the team behind it remains optimistic, read on to know what they achieved in the failed mission.
An experiment by a team of scientists at the University of Bern significantly narrowed the scope of the hunt for dark matter. Read the article to learn more.
The sonic boom was generated when a rogue galaxy invaded Stephen's Quintet at a speed of 1.8 million mph, causing a ripple through the interstellar plasma. Read the article for more details.
While performing an optic survey, astronomers were able to spot the rare sight of a super black hole gobbling up a nearby star. Read to know more about this discovery and its implications.
While astronomers previously thought of the Milky Way's stellar halo to be spherical, recent findings show that this is not the case. Read to know more.
A magnificent new Hubble Space Telescope image shows two neighboring galaxies, LEDA 48062 and UGC 8603, in the constellation of Canes Venatici. Read the article to learn more.
A new study based on data from NASA's Curiosity rover suggests that Mars could be teeming with precious gems. But what is its scientific significance? Find out in this article.
Interesting structures, known as odd radio circles (ORCs), that have ten times the diameter of Milky Way have been spotted across the universe. Read to know more about these structures.
Scientists are focusing on planetary transits, when exoplanets pass directly in front of their suns, in the new hunt for communicating with extraterrestrial life. Read the article to learn more.
The large, unstable sunspot now facing Earth is the source of the major blast from the Sun and it seems that this volatile sunspot is not finished yet. Read the article to find out more about this event.