SPACEExpect about 15 shooting stars per hour during the peak of the Orionid meteor shower this week, which will leave bright trails in the night sky. Tap the article to find out how to watch the meteor shower.
A new photo from James Webb Space Telescope reveals an updated image of Pillars of Creation. The James Webb Space Telescope reveals an updated image of the iconic Pillars of Creation.
Read on to know what happened to the gamma ray bursts that NASA telescopes found. NASA telescopes on the ground and in orbit filmed one of the brightest explosions in space ever seen on October 9.
Scholars have been looking for the long-lost star catalog of Greek astronomer Hipparchus and now they may have finally found it. Read the article to know if it is indeed the oldest map of the night sky.
Astronomers experienced firsthand visuals from the intense starlight that pushes dust flow changes. Know the science behind this phenomena. Read here now!
The International Space Station (ISS) was passing over Southeast Asia when an astronaut aboard snapped a photo showing two mysterious blue orbs in the atmosphere. Find out what they could be through this article.
A new study suggests that there are several effects on the astronauts' whole well-being that are impacted due to long dwelling in isolated and controlled settings. Know more about this study here, read now!
Read on to know how the moon's and Earth's gravity would cause both of them to drift. Every year, the Moon travels noticeably and irreversibly further away from Earth.
NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft carrying a sample from asteroid Bennu successfully performs its first course correction maneuver just on track for its return next year. Read the article to learn more details.
The gas, methyl bromide, in particular, has long been linked to life on Earth. It naturally occurs from the plant process defending itself. Read to learn more.